Module constants

We have just seen, how we add a function to python. But functions are not the only objects that can be attached to a module, and of particular interest are constants. If for nothing else, you can give your module a version number. So, let us see, how that can be achieved.

Contstants, if they are true to their name, won’t change at run time, hence, they can be stored in ROM. We have already seen this, because the globals table of our very first module kicked out with the line

{ MP_ROM_QSTR(MP_QSTR___name__), MP_ROM_QSTR(MP_QSTR_simplefunction) }

Here, the MP_QSTR_simplefunction was a constant, namely, the string simplefunction stored in ROM. This is why it is wrapped by the macro MP_ROM_QSTR. There are two other MP_ROM macros defined in obj.h, namely, MP_ROM_INT, and MP_ROM_PTR.

Integer constants

It should not be a big surprise that the MP_ROM_INT macro generates ROM objects from integers. Thus, the following code will give you the magic constant 42:




Now, in MP_QSTR_simplefunction, simplefunction is a well-behaved string, containing no special characters. But are we doomed, if we do want to print out a version string, which would probably look like 1.2.3, or something similar? And should we give up all hope, if our string contains an underscore? The answer to these questions is no, and no! This is, where the MP_ROM_PTR macro comes to the rescue.

In general, MP_ROM_PTR will take the address of an object, and convert it to a 32-bit unsigned integer. At run time, micropython works with this integer, if it has to access the constant. And this is exactly what happens in the second line of the globals table of simplefunction:

{ MP_ROM_QSTR(MP_QSTR_add_ints), MP_ROM_PTR(&simplefunction_add_ints_obj) },

we associated the string add_ints (incidentally, also stored in ROM) with the 32-bit unsigned integer generated from the address of simplefunction_add_ints_obj. So, the bottom line is, if we can somehow get hold of the address of an object, we can wrap it with MP_ROM_PTR, and we are done.

Thus, if we want to define a string constant, we have to convert it to something that has an address. The MP_DEFINE_STR_OBJ of objstr.h does exactly that:

STATIC const MP_DEFINE_STR_OBJ(version_string_obj, "1.2.3");

takes 1.2.3 as a string, and turns is into a micropython object of type mp_obj_str_t. After this, &version_string_obj can be passed to the MP_ROM_PTR macro.


We don’t have to be satisfied with integers and strings, we can definitely go further. There is a python type, the tuple, that is, by definition, constant (not mutable), and for this reason, we can easily define a tuple type module constant. objtuple.h defines mp_rom_obj_tuple_t for this purpose. This is a structure with three members, and looks like this:

const mp_rom_obj_tuple_t version_tuple_obj = {

The first member defines the base type of the object, the second is the number of elements of the tuple that we want to define, and the third is itself a structure, listing the tuple elements. The key point here is that we can apply the address-of operator to version_tuple_obj, and pass it to the MP_ROM_PTR macro.

#include "py/obj.h"
#include "py/runtime.h"
#include "py/objstr.h"
#include "py/objtuple.h"

STATIC const MP_DEFINE_STR_OBJ(version_string_obj, "1.2.3");

const mp_rom_obj_tuple_t version_tuple_obj = {

STATIC const mp_rom_map_elem_t constants_module_globals_table[] = {
    { MP_ROM_QSTR(MP_QSTR___name__), MP_ROM_QSTR(MP_QSTR_constants) },
    { MP_ROM_QSTR(MP_QSTR___version__), MP_ROM_PTR(&version_string_obj) },
    { MP_ROM_QSTR(MP_QSTR_version_tuple), MP_ROM_PTR(&version_tuple_obj) },
STATIC MP_DEFINE_CONST_DICT(constants_module_globals, constants_module_globals_table);

const mp_obj_module_t constants_user_cmodule = {
    .base = { &mp_type_module },
    .globals = (mp_obj_dict_t*)&constants_module_globals,

MP_REGISTER_MODULE(MP_QSTR_constants, constants_user_cmodule, MODULE_CONSTANTS_ENABLED);


# Add all C files to SRC_USERMOD.

!make clean
!make USER_C_MODULES=../../../usermod/snippets CFLAGS_EXTRA=-DMODULE_CONSTANTS_ENABLED=1 all

One comment before trying out what we have just implemented: the module is definitely pathological. If all you need is a set of constants organised in some way, then you should write it in python. There is nothing to be gained by working in C, while python is much more flexible.

%%micropython -unix 1

import constants

(1, '1.2.3')